You Gotta Live!
My Story,
February 2020 I was sitting on my couch during a pandemic, flicking through YouTube. Fortunately somehow Xtreme Hip Hop magically appeared. I saw the program and decided to try it. I instantly became hooked. I struggled the first month trying to learn steps from pre-recorded videos. Then greatness happened! Phil started to promote his classes Live 4 days a week everyday at noon. I dedicated myself to 3 days a week and loss 40lbs.
I didn't stop there, Summer of 2020 I went and Invested in 12 basic step boards, bluetooth speaker, grab some friends, then headed to Tower Grove Park and started stepping. During that time, I was testing and challenging myself to see if I had the abilities to become Certified. I kept on working, even on days I only had one person show up. I couldn't stop or give up because I believed in a program that gave me some of the best results of my life.
Let's Fast forward...Certification Classes became available. I had the option to take it virtual or fly to Phoenix, Arizona. So I flew to Phoenix to take a 6 hour training course with Phil in person. It was so exhausting....I never felt so tired in my life. But I knew I didn't come this far to give up now. I fought for my own life at that point. I knew to become certified, you have to be strong enough to help fight for someone else's life. So I kept going.
Once my name was called, I never felt so proud, I did it!
Now here I am and great things are happening. All thanks to God & believing in myself. God has truly brought some of the most amazing people into my life to help build and support the program in my own city!
What does this program mean to me? Its so important for me to continue to encourage so many people to try something different, get out their comfort zone and create a healthier lifestyle. I was once that person sitting on the couch wanting better for myself. I know first hand, It'll boost cardio, burn calories & build energy! Its fun and it challenges you in many ways you thought you couldn't, but you can.
Step is for everyone!! Step Saves Lives!
Don't Stop, Don't Quit, & Don't Give Up! "Phillip Weeden"
Keep working!
I'M ON A MISSION! ~Carmellena Blockton